Behold! These are the HISTORY BY ART series!

Created By: Ingrid & Malia
Using the Program: ScratchScratch

Behold! The It's Called Art!

THA SCRIPT OF It's Called Art!

Once there lived a beautiful and talented cat named Frida Katlo. She made beautiful paintings about her life and what it meant to her. The problem was that Frida was constantly lonely and didn't have anyone to do her work with. One day, Frida decided that she was done working alone and wanted someone to work with and she wanted to do a big project. Frida didn't know how to get the cats she wanted to work with because they were all dead or before her lifetime. She decided to make a time machine, that was hard, but, as an artist, she found a way. “Ooh! Looky at my lovely Time Machine!” exclaimed exuberant Frida. “I wonder who I should go visit first . . .” She finally decided on on visiting Leonardo Cat Vinci, a famous artist from the 14th century. She fired up the time machine. She pressed a bunch of colorful buttons because colorful buttons are cool, and she was off! She finally arrived. “Leonardo Cat Vinci!” screamed Frida. “Hello?” questioned Leonardo. “I’m Frida Katlo, and I’m a big fan of yours, I’m a painter from the 19th century, I time traveled to get here.” “Cool.” “Will you come with me to make the greatest painting of all, I’m gathering two of my favorite artists, you’re the first one I’m coming to.” “Oh, thank you, what an honor,” Leonardo said appearing astonished. “Next I’m going to get Vincent Cat Gough.” “Ok, sounds good.” They fired up the time machine, and they were off. “Wow, this is some next level stuff!” said Leonardo. They arrived, and Vincent Cat Gough was very surprised. He was at a hard time in his life, he had cut off his own ear and it hurt (don’t do this at home, kids). “Goodness me! What the heck are you strange nerds doing here,” Vincent screamed. “Please extraterrestrials, don’t eat my brain!” Frida and Leonardo looked at each other in confusion and asked “What?” they said in unison. “So, you’re not aliens that are going to eat my brain?” “No you idiot, of course not!” they said once, again in unison. “What about your lawyer?” said Vincent randomly. “What? You’re really weird, you know that?” Leonardo said matter-of-factly. “Ok, back to the reason we’re here,” said Frida. “ We are all artists, and I am getting together us together and asking you guys to make THE GREATEST PAINTING OF ALL TIME . . .”“Ok,” said Vincent and Leonardo. They started making their way back to the time machine and getting ready to blast off. As they were soaring through the space time continuum, they had already started to create THE GREATEST PAINTING OF ALL TIME . . . They completed it, it was like God himself, there are really no words able to describe it, possibly the meaning of life. Which is pretty ironic, because at that very second Michaelcatgelo in an airplane crashed into their time machine, raging with fury that they didn’t invite him to paint THE GREATEST PAINTING OF ALL TIME . . . with him. The time machine was destroyed. They all died and THE GREATEST PAINTING OF ALL TIME . . . was destroyed for all eternity. The End.

Created By: Arrow & Eliouse
Using the Program: Scratch